Date(s) - 10/06/2020
Todo el día
The European Project Life-Repolyuse (REcovery of POLYurethane for reUSE in eco-efficient materials) held its 6th progress meeting virtually. In addition to the project partners (UBU, TECSA, UBU and YESYFORMA), the external monitor, Estíbaliz Gabilondo (from the LIFE IDOM-NEEMO team) was present at the meeting. The project is in its final stages, so the meeting was able to show the results associated with the production viability of the new LIFE-REPOLYUSE product, and the results of the Life Cycle Analysis and environmental impact indicators activities, among others. The LIFE-REPOLYUSE Project’s approach to the market is a fact and a key factor in achieving the established objectives.
The Project has implemented a new technology, which integrates waste polyurethane foams (PUR, PUF, PIR), in a new construction material, a prefabricated ceiling tile made of gypsum. The new material has undergone all the tests indicated by the sector’s regulations to certify its technical viability, it has achieved an A1 classification in reaction to fire tests, and it has the CE Marking.
The new tiles (gypsum-polyurethane) have been placed in three different buildings (Coventry, Vitoria and Burgos), with the aim of monitoring energy performance, compared with conventional gypsum tiles, by means of IoT technology that allows real-time measurement of humidity and temperature variables related to the comfort of the monitored spaces.
The results of the Life Cycle Analysis indicate that the new LIFE-REPOLYUSE product could recover in raw materials a (25.71%) saving in water and a (45.45%) reduction in gypsum consumption. The new material, compared to a standard product, has significant improvements in CO2 savings (19.32%) and lower energy consumption in its manufacturing processes (16.6%).
In addition to sharing the progress of the project, the lines of work for the last six months of the project were established, including the development of a Post-Life Communication Plan and an Exploitation Plan, for the dissemination of the methodologies and the results of the Project once it has been completed. And the organization of the Final Event of the Project, which will be held on November 26th at the Escuela Politécnica Superior of the University of Burgos.